Properly 0rganized 1nfo is converted into knowledge.
(Knowledge is Power).
Thus, there is a need for a system that is designed on a new basis
otherwise unused 1nfo will quickly get lost forever.
By Φilippos Φilippides
Properly 0rganized 1nfo is converted into knowledge.
(Knowledge is Power).
Thus, there is a need for a system that is designed on a new basis
otherwise unused 1nfo will quickly get lost forever.
Einstein once said that "we cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
Designing a system requires full knowledge of the subject.
The traditional approach cannot always solve new problems.
The solution can be found by 1nfo Science. (It is called
1nfo is first analyzed and then appropriately combined and organized.
We need analysis in order to 0rganize incoming and internal 1nfo in a system.
Regardless of the method used
(I prefer SSADM ), my Φilosoφy is anthropocentric.
The main purpose of an information system is not the technology itself but its usage.
php, html5, css3, svg, javascript, jQuery